#25 There's No Need to Churn Over It

Dairy goes again!

Carter keeps spilling his milk. He's done it at least four times this week during meals. Initially, my hubby and I lact - ations, er, patience and got sour with him. But, recently, didn't the little monkey shake things up and turn the whole situation into a funny episode which brought our annoyance level down to about 2%.

Here's the condensed version of the situation: Carter likes to take a drink and then set his glass down beside his plate. You know, right where his arm will knock it over? We're forever telling him to moove his glass away from the edge of the table, so it's up higher toward the top of his plate. This hasn't always been the best solution as he's been known to spill it while mooving it - just as it past-our-ize!
Phew! Move milk.

The other day Carter sat down for dinner, wiped his brow and said 'few' on his talker (I'm not sure where he learned this expression, but he actually used it in the right context). He didn't mean few as in not very many. He meant few as in 'Phew! That was close'. This became obvious when next, he moved his milk to the middle of the table and said, 'move milk'.

He was pretty proud of himself for having such insight. And let me tell you, I thought it was pitcher perfect. This time, we were flooded with laughter instead of spilled milk!

I've let flow my fair share of tears when it comes to Carter not being able to talk, but these days I've bottled those emotions. I lac - tose things he's been doing lately. No, I love them. I have always known that Carter is overflowing with potential; that he has way more to say than he is able to express verbally. It seems we've found the right formula when it comes to developing his language and communication. He's making all kinds of connections. He's using new words. The two seem to homogenize nicely, and the result? New udderances from my boy.

Thanks, Carter, for the reminder that there's really no need to cry over spilled milk or to churn over your inability to speak. I have the utmost confidence that your potential will continue to spillover and you'll keep milking it for all it's worth.

Disclaimer: Views in the Not Being Able to Speak series are derived from my personal experience with Carter. I do not speak on behalf of others with complex communication needs. It is not my intent to minimize or disregard the power of expression that can be found through the use of augmentative and alternative forms of communication.


  1. This was a great post Stacey... :)
    Also, I had the honour of meeting Carter's siblings, who are pretty amazing kids!! It was really nice to talk to them. I think they might have liked me a bit too ! ;) Linda

    1. Thank you, Linda! J & T mentioned that they paid you a visit. That's great!
