Beyond thrilled to share my news . . .

You read correctly! I am now represented by the fabulous Lynnette Novak of The Seymour Agency! Feeling both humbled and extremely proud that my picture books and middle grade novel will be represented by such an amazing agent and wonderful agency. Let the fun begin! 


Palindrome Picture Book coming March 12!

This author mom was really on the level. She had her eye on palindromes from the start when she did the deed and wrote her beautiful picture book, Was It a Cat I Saw? 

Hannah loves palindromes. She even speaks in them! When Otto the cat runs away, Hannah and his owner go on a wordplay-filled quest to find him. But they, too, become lost. To get everyone home, Hannah will need a forward-and-backward-thinking solution. One thing’s for certain: She’s found a new friend—and if she ever asks his name, she’ll see just how well matched they are.

Written by debut picture book author Laura Bontje and illustrated by Emma Lidia Squillari, Was It a Cat I Saw? will delight readers who like their language silly and their friendships sincere.

Learn more here.

Congratulations, Laura on the release of your picture book! Madam, all I can say is wow!